International brigades: name and composition

Officially the figure usually given six international brigades, but does not take into account that there was one, BI 150, whose existence lasted just three months. Another, the 86th IB, was formed in early 1938 from the international Battalion # 20, lasting a few months until early October when international were removed. Throughout the war there were numerous changes in the composition of the BI, tending to uniformizarlas by language groups. The XIII BI was also dissolved after that battle, but was reorganized with new battalions. The following table shows the composition of BI in early 1938

Seven brigades were formed, called XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, 129 and 150. Each brigade was divided into three battalions (except in some cases where there were four) which were around 650 men initially each one. These battalions were given names with a clear political content, such as Garibaldi and Commune of Paris.
The Brigades were organized as follows:

The XI Brigade was the first to formally constitute the October 22, 1936 with three battalions: Edgar André, Paris Commune and Garibaldi, supported by a Spanish battalion. Chief of the Brigade was first Manfred Stern and Jean Marie François later.
1st Battalion "Edgar André". German.
2nd Battalion "Commune of Paris". French and Belgians. Subsequently transferred to the XIV.
3rd Battalion "Dabrowski". Poles, Hungarians, Yugoslavs, 2 Paraguayans. Subsequently transferred to the Brigades XII, XIII and 150. (Flag image).
4th Battalion "Garibaldi". Italians. Later transferred to XII.

The XII Brigade was formed on November 1, 1936 with the battalions Thälmann Ernst, André Marty, and from the XI Brigade Garibaldi. The Chief of the Brigade was General Zalka Mate.
1st Battalion "Thälmanns". German. Subsequently transferred to the XI.
2nd Battalion "Garibaldi". Italians.
3rd Battalion "André Marty." French and Belgians. Subsequently transferred to the 150, XII and XIV.

The XIII Brigade was formed on December 1, 1936 with Chapiaev, Michel Henri Vuillemin and Lousie battalions. The head of the Brigade was Wilhelm Zaisser.
1erBatallón "Louise Michel". French and Belgians. Subsequently transferred to the XIV.
2nd Battalion "Chapiaev". Different Balkan countries. Subsequently transferred to the 129.
3rd Battalion "Henri Vuillemin." French. Subsequently transferred to the XIV.
4th Battalion "Miskiewicz Palafox". Mostly Poles and Jews, [3] in addition to a few dozen survivors Ukrainian anarchist army of Nestor Makhno.

The XIV Brigade, which became known as La Marseillaise to be made up mostly of French, was established on 1 December 1936 and reorganized the entire November 27, 1938.
1st Battalion "Noves Nacions". Later transferred to the "Commune of Paris".
2nd Battalion "Sunday Germinal". Spanish and Portuguese anarchists.
3rd Battalion "Henri Barbusse". French.
4th Battalion "Pierre Brachet." French.

The XV Brigade was formed on 31 January 1937 the Battalions Dimitrov, February 6, Pierre Brachet (which soon moved to the XIV Brigade), British, Lincoln and Washington. The Chief of the Brigade was Janos Galiez
1st Battalion "Dimitrov". Yugoslavs. Subsequently transferred to 150 and then to the XIII.
British 2nd Battalion.
3rd Battalion "Lincoln", "Washington", "Mackenzie-Papineau." Americans and Canadians. This battalion joined the Connolly Column formed by a small group of Irish.
4th Battalion "February 6." French. Subsequently transferred to the Brigade XIV.

Formed in June 1937.
1st Battalion "Rakosi." Hungarians.

The 129 Brigade was formed on April 28, 1937 with remnants of brigades and battalions from other members of the POUM. The diverse backgrounds of its members led to her being known as the Brigade of the forty nations. The differences between the political forces in Catalonia and the conflict with the POUM made it ineffective and should be reorganized in February 1938. Then Chief of the Brigade was appointed Wacek Komar (which came Dobrowsky Battalion of the XIII Brigade).
        1st Battalion "Masaryk". Czechoslovaks.
        2nd Battalion "Dayachovitch". Bulgarians.
       3rd Battalion "Dimitrov". Various Balkan countries